Trip Highlights
- Fun and Excitement
- Experiential Education
- Leadership and critical thinking.
Quick Facts
- Kayaking
- Canoeing
- Rafting
- Small Lakes & Ponds
- Whitewater Class II
- Whitewater Class III
- Yes
- Fully
Special Interest
- Youth
- Students
- Beginner
Adventure Level

Meeting Place
Canmore. Alberta
Canmore. Calgary, Alberta

Day 1:
Day one is focused on storming our team. Starting with some ice breaking warm ups and comfort building exercises. Once kids are feeling more comfortable we move into a course overview and expectations, gear and equipment and then some swimming and paddle sport introductions.

Day 2:
Reengagement and check in with group. getting right into it we learn some paddle sport skills with flat water canoeing and games. In the afternoon we move into white water skills. Getting out rafting we will complete a run down the Kananaskis river with some stops for swimming and self rescue.

Day 3:
Reengagement and check in. Intro to Kayaks and and Kayaking. Getting to know our boats and how to move them. Wet exits and for those who are a little more advanced rolling sessions. After Lunch we do another raft run on the Kananaskis River stopping to practice throw bagging & rescue.

Day 4:
Reengagement and check in. Back in canoes we spend some times paddling over distance and canoe rescue practice to reenforce paddle skills. After lunch we get back in the raft and get surfing. now that we are comfortable we get to know what the raft can do. And still building on rescue skills

Day 5:
Reengagement and check in. Our final day. We are graduating to paddling Kayaks on the river. We spend the morning getting comfortable with the basics again. after lunch we complete a river run on the Bow River!